Cabeceras históricas destacadas
This collection of cultural magazines is the result of a collaboration agreement between ARCE (Association of Spanish Cultural Magazines) and the Ministry of Culture and Sports for the digitisation of ARCE's cultural magazines in the fields of art, literature, politics, philosophy, music, theatre, ecology, etc.
Among the titles on offer are: ADE teatro, La balsa de la medusa, CLIJ : Cuadernos de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil, Cuadernos de Alzate, Leviatán, Litoral, Ritmo, Cuadernos de Pensamiento Político, Veintiuno, El Ecologista, Gaia, Arte y Parte, Ópera Actual y Utopías: Nuestra Bandera, etc. Other titles will be added in order to expand and enrich the collection.
These publications have been partially analysed, allowing the search and retrieval of magazine articles.