Treball : Órgan central del Partit Socialista Unificat de...

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Newspapers and Magazines Prensa y Revistas Treball : Órgan central del Partit Socialista Unificat de Catalunya    

Section: Prensa y Revistas

Uniform Title: Treball (Terrassa)

Title: Treball : Órgan central del Partit Socialista Unificat de Catalunya

Publication: [S.l. : PSUC]

Physical description: n. : il. ; 48 x 35 cm

Current frequency: Semanal, [abr.] 1977-

Former frequency: Irregular, [dic.] 1976-[maig] 1984


Condiciones de acceso y uso:

UDC: (054)

Type of publication: Newspapers and Magazines Newspapers and Magazines


Marxist Research Foundation


1976-1978, 1984-1986


See issues of this publication See issues of this publication